UC ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACADEMY September 12-16, 2011 at UC Davis out of the lab and into the world
A one-week business development academy designed for science and engineering senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty who want to explore moving their research out of the lab and into the world.
Learn to:
analyze, enhance and communicate the broader potential impact of your research
build a business skill set for a career in industry
a five day intensive on exploring the market opportunities surrounding your ideas and your research
daily seminars and interactive sessions taught by leading venture capitalists, angel investors, and entrepreneurs
the tools to communicate the broader potential of your research
a networking dinner with industry sponsors, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and angel investors,
evening mentoring sessions with industry executives and investors
Apply online by August 22nd >> Open to science and engineering researchers from any university. $150 for students from California universities. $500 for out of state students.